
The Technology Program of the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI) assists Commission clients in meeting their vocational goal by providing the proper tools and training. NCBVI has three access technology specialists, one based in each district, to work with clients and counselors. The specialists receive training to keep them abreast of all aspects of nonvisual access technology hardware and software, as well as mainstream accessibility efforts. The specialists serve as consultants to the client to ensure that the technology that will fulfill their needs is procured and to advise the client about the various aspects of technology that is available. Clients can evaluate technology in our offices or in their homes. NCBVI also works with local dealers of access technology if a more long-term loan or a demo of technology NCBVI does not have is requested. These demonstrations are essential to the client getting the right technology for their needs. AT4All, a program of the Nebraska Assistive Technology partnership is also used as a resource for technologies that the Commission does not yet have.


NCBVI also works with employers and school districts. Access technology can be integrated with a majority of existing hardware and software platforms. Because of their experience in the field, our technology specialists can work with the school or employer to determine how access technology will work with their existing systems, and propose any necessary modifications or additional technology necessary to make the client's employment or learning successful.


Guidelines are followed for all clients to ensure consistency in the purchase of technology hardware and software.

  Download the Guidelines

Directivas de Tecnologia - Spanish Translation

Lignes diretrices sur les services technologiques - French Translation


Spanish Translation:  Tecnologia

French Translation:  Technologie