Technology Services

Technology Services

The NCBVI Technology Program provides technology services to blind and visually impaired Nebraskans, as well as current and potential employers of people who are blind. The Technology Team consists of three Technology Specialists located through Nebraska.

Technology Specialists instruct NCBVI consumers in the use of access technologies such as screen reading software, refreshable Braille displays, screen magnification software, and personal note taking devices. In addition, instruction is provided in the use of mainstream technologies such as web browsing, use of smartphones and tablets, the Windows and Macintosh/Apple operating systems, and word processing skills consumers need in order to achieve their vocational goals.

Technology Specialists also work with employers to ensure that current and perspective blind employees have the appropriate technology to do their jobs efficiently and effectively.

Whether it is teaching a college-bound blind student how to access textbooks electronically, providing a newly blind lawyer with training in technology that will allow them to continue doing their job, or introducing an older adult with vision loss to email and Facebook so that they can communicate with their grandchildren, Technology Specialists ensure that blind Nebraskans have the tools and training they need to live the lives they choose.