Employer Services

NCBVI Brochure for Businesses


1. Dependable, qualified and competitive candidates who want to work.  Our candidates have demonstrated to be very stable at work resulting in low turnover and the costs incurred from retraining.

2. Potential pool of dependable candidates that employers had not recognized was available to them.

3. Employer Education/Sensitivity Training:  An in service training to staff, and employers in regard to blindness.   These types of training are not available anywhere else in Nebraska.

4. Work Trial/On the Job Training:  While the candidate is in training, the employer will have the opportunity to evaluate the perspective employee's performance prior to hiring.  Many times NCBVI covers the expense for this trial period.                         

5. Resource for Job Coach: Available to our candidates before and after hiring, when applicable.

6. Technical Assistance: Employers don’t have to be concerned with the installation and maintenance of adaptive equipment.  Many times NCBVI purchase technology for the workplace.

7. Follow Up Services: This will provide prompt ongoing support and problem solving.  This includes technology, technical support, job coaches, counseling, and sensitivity training.

8. Hiring our candidates can inspire other workers to do their part, when they see a blind person doing their share.

9. Accessible information to our candidates according to their individual needs.  This information can be in different formats, such as brailled, large print or recorded manuals.

10. Networking with other successful blind workers.  This networking will enable blind employees to fine ways to deal with any situation at work that someone already has faced.

11, Networking with other employers who hired successful blind workers.  This will give employers an opportunity to ask other employers about doubts that they might not want to discuss with us.

12. Assistance to find readers and drivers if necessary. 

13. Less accident claims filed saving money for the employer from increased insurance premiums.

14. Employers receive TAX CREDITS by hiring our candidates.

For more information, you can contact  us at 402-471-2891


Workplace Successes

Employers Speak Out

Many businesses have discovered the benefits of using the resources available from the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Read what employers are saying about their experience in working with the Commission.


I can't say enough about the ease of working with the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Their program provides the opportunity to help visually impaired individuals have the resources and training needed along with equipment and visual aids to build confidence to perform necessary job duties that may not have otherwise been possible.

Dan Hill, the Rehabilitation Counselor went out of his way to make it easy for our potential employee and Cabelas to work as a team with the Commission. The Commission provided the necessary computer, software and glasses to make this possible. Dan has also done follow ups to make sure that our needs and expectations are being met.

Dan worked with our payroll department in getting the pay structure put in place for the temporary On-The-Job training period to ensure there would be a good match between our employee and Cabelas. As a result, our employee in Oshkosh is still employed with Cabelas and does a very accurate and thorough job in her present position.

Renee Lucero 
Human Resource Representative 
Cabela's Inc, Oshkosh Returns Center



Working with the Commission on the Blind and Visually Impaired has been a very rewarding experience for me. Six months ago, I hired a new employee that came highly recommended by the Commission. Not only did my department receive an outstanding employee, but the Commission offered all of our employees a tour (they conducted about 5 tours) of the Commission and the opportunity to learn what would be helpful for us to know when working with a blind person - how to appropriately assist the employee in the workplace, and an explanation of the training she would have received through the commission in order to live an independent life. This tour included a demonstration of the technology the new employee would be using to do the job in our office.

The Commission made this experience very meaningful for all of us - we met some incredible people and learned about the work each one does at the Commission.

I won't hesitate to contact the Commission the next time I'm searching for an employee!

Colleen R. Huls
Information Services
Communication and Operations
Assistant Manager
Nebraska Hall



Because of the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired we have an individual who has worked at the south Grand Island Walmart Supercenter for quite a few months now.  This individual has done a great job for us working on our 2nd shift in-stock crew.  He helps unload the trucks and also helps stock in our paper goods department.  He lends a hand to his fellow associates by putting their cardboard into the baler when needed.  We are happy to have this individual as our Walmart associate.

Brad Koza
Store Manager



The Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired assisted us in creating a work environment that was suited for the Department of Labor and for the employees.   The main work activity in our office involves the collection and analysis of a variety of types of labor market information, and then publishing the results.  This process requires extensive employer contact, review of survey forms for accuracy, and computer input of the data.  Due to stringent time lines and the need for accuracy in the work I was skeptical about their ability meet our program requirements.  We now have two valued employees and they have far exceeded my expectations. With the assistive technology and their positive attitudes they have proven to be a very productive and integral part of our staff.

Phillip A. Baker
Nebraska Workforce Development


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