I would like to take this time to introduce myself as the newest commissioner to the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired board. My name is Darrell Walla.
I was born on Aug. 20, 1955 and grew up on a small farm four miles north of Valparaiso, NE. I attended the Nebraska School for the Visually Handicapped in Nebraska City through the tenth grade. My last two years of high school were spent at Bishop Neumann High School in Wahoo, NE.
I graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln with certification to teach Social Studies. Following this accomplishment, I received my Masters in Special Education.
I taught high school Special Education in Aurora, NE from 1980 to 1995. I worked with students on developing their basic skills, as well as developing a job training program for them. I also had the opportunity to serve one student who was blind.
From 1995 to 2000, I served as a resource teacher at Raymond Central High School. I continued to work in the area of serving students with special needs.
From 2000 to 2005, I had the opportunity to return to my old high school (Bishop Neumann) to teach students with special needs. I am currently teaching at Omaha Burke High School, where I serve as an English and American Government teacher in the Academic Achievement Center. The Academic Achievement Center serves students who are receiving Special Education. In addition, I co-teach two regular English classes, where students are mainstreamed.
I was chosen by the Governor to serve on the Commission Board in December, and am honored to do so. The Commission continues to be a vital force in the lives of all blind Nebraskans, and I hope to serve in any way that I can.
Darrell Walla