Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week

State of Nebraska


WHEREAS,     Helen Keller is the most accomplished, respected and renowned American who was deaf-blind; and

WHEREAS,     Deaf-blindness is one of the most severe of all disabilities; and

WHEREAS,     It is in the interest of the Nebraska community to prevent the waste of human resources by encouraging the full participation of Americans with severe multi-sensory disabilities in our economy by fostering the employment of and promoting housing and recreational options for people who are deaf-blind, thus maximizing their opportunities for a productive life in the community of their choice; and

WHEREAS,     Independent living means an ability to function smoothly and easily within the structure of society, communicate with others to obtain useful information, travel freely and without fear, and have the ability to perform chores and work that are necessary for survival; and

WHEREAS,     Today, people with dual-sensory loss should have options to choose their preferred lifestyles; and

WHEREAS,     It is highly appropriate and necessary to publicize the abilities, needs and potential of our fellow citizens who are deaf-blind, or severely vision and hearing impaired, and to recognize Helen Keller as a guiding example of courage, hope, determination and achievement for other individuals who are deaf-blind.

WHEREAS,     Helen Keller is the most accomplished, respected and renowned American who was deaf-blind; and

WHEREAS,     Deaf-blindness is one of the most severe of all disabilities; and

WHEREAS,     It is in the interest of the Nebraska community to prevent the waste of human resources by encouraging the full participation of Americans with severe multi-sensory disabilities in our economy by fostering the employment of and promoting housing and recreational options for people who are deaf-blind, thus maximizing their opportunities for a productive life in the Comm unity of their choice; and

WHEREAS,     Independent living means an ability to function smoothly and easily within the structure of society, communicate with others to obtain useful information, travel freely and without fear, and have the ability to perform chores and work that are necessary for survival; and

WHEREAS,     Today, people with dual-sensory loss should have options to choose their preferred lifestyles; and

WHEREAS,     It is highly appropriate and necessary to publicize the abilities, needs and potential of our fellow citizens who are deaf-blind, or severely vision and hearing impaired, and to recognize Helen Keller as a guiding example of courage, hope, determination and achievement for other individuals who are deaf-blind.


in Nebraska, and I do hereby urge all citizens to take due note of the observance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and cause the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska to be affixed this Thirtieth day of May, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Eighteen.

Signed by:  John A. Gale, Secretary of State

                   Pete Ricketts, Governor



Event Date