NBE Blind Licensee Committee Meeting

The Blind Licensee Committee will meet Saturday, September 24, 2016 starting at 10:00 AM, at the Lincoln office, 4600 Valley Road, in a conference room on third floor.   A telephone conference call option will be available for those not able to attend in person.  If the phone option or any other reasonable accommodations are needed, please contact NCBVI at 402-471-2891 or 877-809-2419.  Every effort will be made to arrange the accommodation.   Please note you will not be able to vote or have your attendance counted if you are on the conference call. 

Meeting Agenda: 

  1. Approve of Minutes from last meeting

  2.  State Licensing Agency Report

  3.  Committee Chair Report

  4. Annual Retirement discussion, increase /decrease retirement as outlined in Title 192, Section 7.02B

There is hereby established a retirement plan for blind vendors with contributions from each blind vendor who chooses to participate being matched with an equivalent approved contribution from the Small Business Enterprise Cash Fund, said amount to be reviewed annually by the State Committee of Blind Vendors and the State Licensing Agency.

  1. Presentation by Bob Burns, on retirement benefits

  2. Training on calorie content.  Three of our vendors will be required to do this per the new law. Hadley School for the Blind previously sent an email and provided webinar training on this subject.

  3. Update on Profit and Loss Reports

  4. Update on Licensees, introduce any new trainee(s) / new locations

  5. Discuss and decide training topic for next quarterly committee meeting  

  6. New business

  7. Set date for next meeting

Following this meeting we will have a training provided by Abilities Fund


Event Date