What services does NCBVI provide?

NCBVI provides a wide variety of services aimed at empowering blind and visually impaired Nebraskans to live independently, attain higher education, and find, retain, and advance in their careers.

  • Vocational rehabilitation services to assist blind and low vision adults find, maintain, and advance in employment
  • In-home and short-term residential training in blindness skills, including independent travel with a long white cane, using public transportation, reading and writing Braille, computer and smartphone usage, adaptive technology, cooking, cleaning, home management, basic home maintenance and woodworking, and independent living skills.
  • Independent living skills training for homemakers, stay-at-home parents, older adults, and other adults who may not have employment goals
  • Provision of adaptive technology and independent living aids, such as computers, screen reading and magnification software, talking clocks, magnifiers, and long white canes
  • Youth services, including job exploration counseling; counseling on college, technical school, and other training opportunities; employment readiness training; work experience; mentoring; independent living skills training; self-advocacy training; and summer camps, and summer work experience and career-readiness programs
  • Financial aid for blind and low vision college, university, vocational, and technical school students
  • Assistance to blind entrepreneurs to start food service businesses in government buildings and rest areas, including training, resources, and ongoing support