Nancy previously worked as a Medical Transcriptionist for various employers, including at Mary Lanning Hospital, Medical Park Diagnostic Center, and for Dr. Ichtertz. She was honored as Employee of the Month at Mary Lanning Hospital, and was a final nominee for their Caring and Kind award.
Nancy studied music education at Hastings College, and attended the Minneapolis Rehabilitation Center for the Visually Impaired. She pursues opportunities to speak to grade school children about blindness, and encourages senior blind in daily activities that are routine to the sighted.
Nancy enjoys: computers, cooking, crocheting, music, and traveling. Her interest in cooking has led to several awards for recipes, and she has had some recipes published in cookbooks. She enjoys teaching others to crochet, and giving pointers on alternatives to those who crocheted prior to losing their sight.
Nancy has served on the board of the Senior Blind of the National Federation of the Blind. She is the former Second Vice-President on the state board of the National Federation of the Blind and Vice-President of the Grand Island Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind. She is also serving as Secretary of the Tabitha Society at her church.
Nancy is happy to be a member of the Board of Commissioners for NCBVI. She is looking forward to the opportunity to help blind people become more fully integrated into society and helping them to reach their goals of education, employment, and equal status with sighted people.
Nancy Oltman